Our Courses

We offer hundreds of courses in Cybersecurity, IT, Soft Skills, and Management and we’re adding more all the time. Please use the search bar or filter by topic and/or skill level to find your content and get started!

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premium courses

Secure Software Architecture And Design Patterns In Java EE – Part 1

By EC-Council
9 Lessons | 43 Topics | 9 Quizzes

Is exploring the Java Enterprise Edition the next step you are planning in your Java learning journey? Then this course is for you, where you will get acquainted with the Java Enterprise Edition, its architecture, components, the core design patterns, and even build your very first Java Enterprise Application. Further, you will be knowledgeable about […]

Securing Your Network From Attacks

By EC-Council
9 Lessons | 39 Topics | 9 Quizzes

Attacks on enterprise networks and home networks are a growing problem with daily targeted attacks that can result in crippling results. These attacks have become more aggressive, sophisticated, and dangerous over the years. This course is designed to give you the knowledge and skills to identify, mitigate, and prevent these attacks and help you secure […]

Security Awareness

By ACI-Learning
1 Lesson

This is a non-technical course designed for every end user.  Our experts explain very common security topics that are critical to be aware of in today‚Äôs work environment, but explains in the ‚Äúend-users‚Äù non-technical language, so everyone can understand.  Many stories are told as examples for easier understanding.  One might think this is super easy […]

Security Awareness Onboarding

By ACI-Learning
1 Lesson

This course is designed to help bring new employees up to speed on the various IT security issues facing companies to day. Its primary use is intended to be as an instructional video shown during the new-hire on-boarding process. By increasing a new-hire’s IT security awareness, companies can help to avoid security incidents before they […]

Selenium Automation Testing For Beginners

By EC-Council
3 Lessons | 10 Topics

Over the last decade, the Selenium automation tool has gained a lot of popularity in the automation testing world due to its unique features like – Multiple operating support, multiple language support, multiple browsers support, open-source, and community support. MNCs to Startups all big and large organizations are investing a lot in automation testing which […]


By Cyber Phoenix
1 Lesson

As we grow, we learn to become leaders. Being a leader is natural for some, and learning for others. No matter how we have become a leader, it is important to remember we must lead ourselves before we lead others. Take the time to motivate yourself and realize that you can do it.

Servant Leadership

By Phoenix TS
1 Lesson

Servant leadership can seem like a contradicting term, but it is becoming a very popular tool in many businesses. Servant leadership is a philosophy that involves focusing on others, on their success, and in turn to build better relationships that benefit both manager and employee. Servant leadership shows that managers can be great leaders while […]

Serverless Computing On AWS With Lambda, API Gateway, S3 And DynamoDB

By EC-Council
6 Lessons | 30 Topics | 6 Quizzes

Looking to jump into the world of serverless computing on AWS but don’t know where to start? This is the course you need!  Serverless computing is high in demand but it’s hard to find a way to get started with technologies like Lambda, API Gateway, S3, or DynamoDB. The search is over, this course will […]

Session Hijacking And Prevention Techniques

By EC-Council
5 Lessons | 25 Topics | 5 Quizzes

Understanding the bare bones of Session, and how it can be broken to gain access to accounts. As an ethical hacker how to identify the design flaws that are being exploited and to be addressed them to secure the system and/or application. With multiple, users/systems interconnected the attack surface is huge and has a high-risk […]

Shell Scripting With Bash

By EC-Council
5 Lessons | 25 Topics | 5 Quizzes

Have you wanted to improve your Linux and Bash Scripting skills but don’t know where to start? Due to the proliferation of Linux, this is an increasingly important skill to have. This course is the best solution because it will take you from beginner level to Linux Power User. Thus, laying the groundwork to become […]

Social Intelligence

By Phoenix TS
1 Lesson

Social Intelligence is about understanding the environment and having a positive influence. Participants will become more confident in their social situations by learning how to express and interpret social cues. They will create positive connections and increase their influence during social situations.

Social Learning

By Phoenix TS
1 Lesson

Social Learning is an effective way to train your employees through modeling positive behaviors. It is a great way to promote cohesion and involvement as it builds a culture of learning. Participants will learn the best way to conduct role plays, share best practices, and provide constant and immediate feedback.

Social Media In The Workplace

By Phoenix TS
1 Lesson

We are being flooded with Social Media invitations and updates. Web-based communication icons like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn are dominating the way we interact with each other. People are feeling the need to be updated at all times. It has become a time-eater, and businesses are quickly becoming aware of the drain it can […]

Social Media Marketing

By Phoenix TS
1 Lesson

Social media is a staple of modern life. It is so enmeshed in the way we communicate that companies have little choice but to engage social media as part of their marketing strategy. Before implementing any social media strategies, you should take the time to understand the benefits as well as the risks.

Software Architecture And Design Patterns With C# And .NET

By EC-Council
4 Lessons | 15 Topics

Software architecture and design patterns are the fundamental building blocks of crafting scalable and maintainable software applications. Without catering to the right architecture or the appropriate pattern for solving the problem at hand, most of the applications don’t survive in the long run. Hence to create high-quality software, it’s quite important to consider the right […]

SQL Injection Attacks

By EC-Council
1 Lesson | 5 Topics

SQL Injection (SQLi) refers to an injection attack wherein an attacker can execute malicious SQL statements (also commonly referred to as a malicious payload) that control a web application’s database server. The impact SQL injection can have on a business is far-reaching. A successful attack may result in the unauthorized viewing of user lists, the […]

Stress Management

By Phoenix TS
1 Lesson

Positive and negative stress is a constant influence on all of our lives. The trick is to maximize the positive stress and minimize the negative stress. Participants will be shown how stress can be positive and negative, and we’ll look at the Triple-A approach that will form the basis of this workshop.

Supervising Others

By Phoenix TS
1 Lesson

Supervising others can be a tough job. Between managing your own time and projects, helping your team members solve problems and complete tasks, and helping other supervisors, your day can fill up before you know it.

Supply Chain Management

By Phoenix TS
1 Lesson

Supply Chain Management improves the coordination and relationship between Suppliers, Producers, and Customers. It must be kept at a high level of organization to be successful in today”s global economy. Goods and services are now pieced together from all over the world, and this process can be hectic and complicated if not managed correctly.

Systems Security Certified Practitioner (2022)

By ACI-Learning
1 Lesson

ATTENTION … This is an ACCELERATED VERSION of our SSCP course. What that means for you is that we assume that you have a certain level of prior knowledge, and we move faster through the material We encourage you to try this format and see if it works well for you. The Systems Security Certified […]

Talent Management

By Phoenix TS
1 Lesson

Every company wants to have the best and brightest employees, and with Talent Management that can be achieved. With a company”s workforce generally being its highest cost, does it not make sense to invest in it? With Talent Management you are developing a more skilled workforce and attracting better and more skilled new hires.

Team Building For Managers

By Phoenix TS
1 Lesson

Teamwork is a part of everyday business life. Whether it’s virtual, in the office, or on the road, we are often expected to be a functional part of a team. Having a strong team benefits every organization and will lead to more successes than not. Teamwork is how participants will elevate that event or project […]

Team Building Through Chemistry

By Phoenix TS
1 Lesson

Teams are unavoidable in any business. The key to successful team building is addressing the importance of chemistry. By staying aware of the chemistry of building the group, you will increase the chance of avoiding pitfalls and developing a sense of unity.

Teamwork And Team Building

By Phoenix TS
1 Lesson

For most of us, teamwork is a part of everyday life. Whether it’s at home, in the community, or at work, we are often expected to be a functional part of a performing team. Having a strong team will benefit any organization and will lead to more success than not.

Telephone EtiQuette

By Phoenix TS
1 Lesson

Phone etiquette is a highly valuable tool to have in an employee’s skill-set, and our Telephone Etiquette workshop will help provide those skills. This course will help participants improve their phone skills which will make them more confident, improve sales, and help gain new customers while retaining their current clientele. A more confident employee is […]