Our Courses
We offer hundreds of courses in Cybersecurity, IT, Soft Skills, and Management and we’re adding more all the time. Please use the search bar or filter by topic and/or skill level to find your content and get started!

Public Speaking
By Cyber PhoenixAccording to a 1973 survey by the Sunday Times of London, 41% of people list public speaking as their biggest fear. Forget small spaces, darkness, and spiders, standing up in front of a crowd and talking is far more terrifying for most people. Through this workshop, participants will become more confident and relaxed in front […]

Python For Absolute Beginners
By EC-CouncilIf you want to learn how to program, you will LOVE this course! This course was designed for complete beginners with little to no understanding of programming and will give you the knowledge to get started coding using Python 3. We will cover the following topics in this course: Python installation Running Python scripts in […]

Raspberry Pi Based Smart Emergency Alert System Helmet
By EC-CouncilThis course is for anyone interested in building projects that help solve real-time problems. The course requires basic knowledge of Python & PHP programming. If you are new to Raspberry Pi, we would recommend enrolling to our previous course, “Introduction to Raspberry Pi”, which is also available on the platform. Helmets are necessary safety gear to prevent […]

Requested Documentation For HIPAA
By ecfirstIn this course, we will learn about the forms and documentation, authorization, and core data elements. This also prepares you for the Notice of Privacy Practice Guidelines, other Notice Requirements, Health Plan NPP Final Rule Updates, and other Non-Business Associates information. This course teaches Minimum and Non-Minimum Necessary Standards and Marketing, the Final Rule updates, […]

Reverse Engineering – Part 1
By EC-CouncilReverse engineering is the art of understanding how a system works and meddling with it. An expert reverse engineer can change a binary (compiled) or non-binary (interpreted) application in any way s/he wants, pretty much like having access to the source code. Throughout this course, you will learn about what computers are, how assembly programming […]

Reverse Engineering – Part 2
By EC-CouncilReverse engineering is the art of understanding how a system works and meddling with it. An expert reverse engineer can change a binary (compiled) or non-binary (interpreted) application in any way s/he wants, pretty much like having access to the source code. We will begin with understanding what protected binaries are. We will get to […]

Risk Assessment (CMMC)
Develop skills to evaluate and manage risks to your organization’s information systems, ensuring compliance with CMMC risk assessment protocols.

Risk Assessment And Management
By Cyber PhoenixIt is not possible to control or manage 100% of the risk, but knowing what to do before, during, and after an event will mitigate the damage and harm. Identifying potential hazards and risks and making them part of the day-to-day business is important. Safety should be the first priority as every business must face […]

Ruby On Rails – Security
By EC-CouncilMany developers, at the start of their career, know how to write code but not how to avoid security flaws in their code and end up writing poor quality code with security loopholes in them such as SQL Injections, etc. This will in turn lead to a codebase that has a lot of security issues […]

Safety In The Workplace
By Cyber PhoenixWorkplace safety is the responsibility of everyone in an organization. Companies have legal obligations to meet certain safety requirements, but many go further than the minimum obligations. Safety standards and procedures must be put in place, and everyone needs to follow the standards in order for them to be effective.

Sales Fundamentals
By Cyber PhoenixAlthough the definition of a sale is simple enough, the process of turning someone into a buyer can be very complex. It requires convincing someone with a potential interest that there is something for them in making their interest concrete – something that merits spending some of their hard-earned money.

Secure Full Stack MEAN Developer
By EC-CouncilMEAN stack development is a modern approach to building dynamic web applications. It is an open-source JavaScript framework that harnesses four major technologies: MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node.js. Given the rise of the ever-increasing demand for full-stack JavaScript developers, this course will help you master both front-end and back-end development. This course will begin with […]

Secure Programming With C
By EC-CouncilSecure coding with C is a top concern. Although the C programming language, which is commonly used in numerous applications and operating systems is popular, flexible, and versatile, it is inherently vulnerable to exploitation. Writing a secure code is crucial. Because there is no direct method to handle the exception (no inbuilt try and […]

Secure Programming With C++
By EC-CouncilThe C++ programming language is widely used, but C++ programs are often insecure. A number of different vulnerabilities can exist in C++ code and make it vulnerable to exploitation. If you want to write secure C++ code, you need to be able to identify and understand the numerous potential errors that can be made in […]

Secure Programming With Java
By EC-CouncilSecure designs are essential to building and deploying secure Java programs. But, even the best designs can result in insecure programs if developers are not aware of the numerous potential security pitfalls in Java programming. This course begins with a detailed explanation of common programming errors encountered in Java. Further, it takes you through security […]

Secure Software Architecture And Design Patterns In Java EE – Part 1
By EC-CouncilIs exploring the Java Enterprise Edition the next step you are planning in your Java learning journey? Then this course is for you, where you will get acquainted with the Java Enterprise Edition, its architecture, components, the core design patterns, and even build your very first Java Enterprise Application. Further, you will be knowledgeable about […]

Securing Your Network From Attacks
By EC-CouncilAttacks on enterprise networks and home networks are a growing problem with daily targeted attacks that can result in crippling results. These attacks have become more aggressive, sophisticated, and dangerous over the years. This course is designed to give you the knowledge and skills to identify, mitigate, and prevent these attacks and help you secure […]

Security Assessment (CMMC)
Gain expertise in conducting comprehensive security assessments to identify vulnerabilities and ensure compliance with CMMC guidelines.

Security Awareness
By ACI-LearningThis is a non-technical course designed for every end user. Our experts explain very common security topics that are critical to be aware of in today‚Äôs work environment, but explains in the ‚Äúend-users‚Äù non-technical language, so everyone can understand. Many stories are told as examples for easier understanding. One might think this is super easy […]

Security Awareness Onboarding
By ACI-LearningThis course is designed to help bring new employees up to speed on the various IT security issues facing companies to day. Its primary use is intended to be as an instructional video shown during the new-hire on-boarding process. By increasing a new-hire’s IT security awareness, companies can help to avoid security incidents before they […]

Selenium Automation Testing For Beginners
By EC-CouncilOver the last decade, the Selenium automation tool has gained a lot of popularity in the automation testing world due to its unique features like – Multiple operating support, multiple language support, multiple browsers support, open-source, and community support. MNCs to Startups all big and large organizations are investing a lot in automation testing which […]

By Cyber PhoenixAs we grow, we learn to become leaders. Being a leader is natural for some, and learning for others. No matter how we have become a leader, it is important to remember we must lead ourselves before we lead others. Take the time to motivate yourself and realize that you can do it.

Servant Leadership
By Phoenix TSServant leadership can seem like a contradicting term, but it is becoming a very popular tool in many businesses. Servant leadership is a philosophy that involves focusing on others, on their success, and in turn to build better relationships that benefit both manager and employee. Servant leadership shows that managers can be great leaders while […]

Serverless Computing On AWS With Lambda, API Gateway, S3 And DynamoDB
By EC-CouncilLooking to jump into the world of serverless computing on AWS but don’t know where to start? This is the course you need! Serverless computing is high in demand but it’s hard to find a way to get started with technologies like Lambda, API Gateway, S3, or DynamoDB. The search is over, this course will […]

Session Hijacking And Prevention Techniques
By EC-CouncilUnderstanding the bare bones of Session, and how it can be broken to gain access to accounts. As an ethical hacker how to identify the design flaws that are being exploited and to be addressed them to secure the system and/or application. With multiple, users/systems interconnected the attack surface is huge and has a high-risk […]