The Metaverse And Cybersecurity

The metaverse is the future of the internet that encompasses a transformative change in how humans and technology interact. “It promises a 3D model of the internet, where virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality offer endless escapism… A place parallel to the physical world where you can live a rich digital life: hang out with […]

Cost-Effective Strategies For Your Cybersecurity Budget

Two things are true: 1. Most organizations are having to make critical budget decisions. 2. On top of a looming economic crisis, every single organization and entity is at risk of a data breach. There is no way around it, every organization has to include cybersecurity in its budget. In IBM’s Cost of a Data […]

Top Cyber Attacks of 2022

Cybercrime in the U.S. and abroad reached all-new record heights in 2022; and with it, all-new record-high costs. No one, not even the most powerful governments or institutions is immune to the costs or risk of damage by cyber criminals. In 2021, $9.44 million was the average cost of a single data breach in the […]

Women Belong in Cyber Security; So What’s Keeping Them Out?

CyberWire held a panel comprised of five cybersecurity leading ladies at the Women in Cybersecurity event on October 10, 2022. The panel was introduced by Jennifer Eiben, the senior producer at CyberWire and a founder of the event. The following panelists shared their thoughts on the hidden impact of cybersecurity’s talent gap on the cyber-enabled […]

Identity-Native Infrastructure Access is The Way Forward

The need for more effective security measures is widespread across all industries. Thanks to a shift toward more hybrid and remote work models supported by cloud access, organizations are experiencing record-high data breaches and constantly at risk. Teleport just released its 2022 State of Infrastructure Access and Security Report in which they set out “to  […]

Cloud Protection Trends for 2023

We are about to head into a new year, and with that, new cybersecurity threats and protection strategies are sure to crop up. Veeam released its report on Cloud Protection trends for 2023 this past month and on their behalf, an independent research firm conducted a survey of 1,700 IT leaders regarding their use of […]

An Inventory of Common Cyber Attacks in 2022

Welcome to 2022, where there are over 20 types of cyber security threats (and we promise, more on the horizon.) Cyber threats change as rapidly as technology changes with the methods, size, and tactics of attacks morphing daily.  Our best counter-attack against the bad actors out there is to be knowledgeable about the techniques they […]

Top Certifications in Cybersecurity in 2022

There has never been higher demand than right now for professionals with experience and expertise in cybersecurity. And the demand keeps growing. The great thing about this industry is that you do not need a four-year degree to prove your worth to prospective employers. The time you put in, the certifications you seek, and the […]

How to Promote Cyber Security Awareness

Build an Effective Workplace Cyber Security Awareness Program  October is Cyber Security Awareness Month. Cyber Security should be at the forefront of every business leader’s mind in 2022. Incidents of cybercrime are on the rise in both number and scale. But it takes more than an IT guy to ensure the safety of a company’s […]